2021 Advent Series

Over the season of Advent, we did a special series with a painting that was added to each week. The theme was the genealogy in Matthew 1. Each week, one third of the names were added to the painting until it was revealed that they would become the swaddling cloths of Christ. Jesus, though not biologically Joseph's son, allowed this lineage of Joseph to be applied to Him indicating that he fulfills promises, reigns as the one true King, and rescues His people from captivity. He willingly took up all of those names upon himself to take them to the cross. Likewise, He is with us (Immanuel). He fulfills God's promises to us, reigns as our king, and rescues us from captivity to sin.

The painting was done mostly with paint markers (white, red, metallic gold) on an acrylic base painting canvas (24"x24").

I started this project with a pencil drawing, which I later finished out as a gift and then made a digital drawing, which I later used to project onto the canvas to get the same dimensions. As I was preparing for the final week, I got the idea to use the digital image for some ornaments, by printing them on vinyl sticker paper and placing them on pre-cut wooden ornaments. See the images below.

Original drawing (finished out as gift)

Digital drawing


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